Your donation will help us support the communities in which we work, as they face COVID-19 - please donate now!

COVID is having increasingly acute impacts on the communities that we support.  Assisi Aid Projects is committed to continue to support the rural and tribal communities of Tamil Nadu, and our implementing partner and staff at Integrated Development Trust. We are currently working with our partners to determine their specific needs, including a relief distribution, so that our support matches the changing needs of the communities

In Tamil Nadu conditions are deteriorating rapidly following the imposition of movement restrictions and the closure of schools and businesses. Many people are returning to the region having lost their jobs in urban centres. With the help of generous donations, Assisi Aid Projects has introduced the distribution of rice, cloth face masks, soap, and lentils to the participants in our women and children projects.  The relief package will provide more than 17,000 kg of rice to 2463 families across five districts. Staff at Integrated Development Trust ensure safety measures are adhered to during the distribution of these packages with measures in place to reduce contact between the community and follow physical distancing guidelines.

Assisi Aid Projects will continue to provide guidance via telephone to families on the government relief plans announced in response to COVID-19. This will support parents to receive government relief items or funds to which they are entitled. This will be coordinated through our community facilitators and tutors, as majority of families struggle to access government support, due to difficulty in reading and comprehending the processes in which to access such support.

To engage children in the importance of COVID-19 prevention, whilst supporting their ongoing education and skills development, we are providing home-based educational activities.  These approaches encourage children to participate in home-based competitions, such as drawing or writing essays on COVID-19 awareness-related topics, using materials which will be delivered to their homes.  We encourage children to develop speaking and language skills by producing videos on COVID-19 prevention, on topics such as hand washing.  

Should the amount of donations exceed the amount needed for Assisi Aid Projects’ response to the immediate crisis, donations will be redirected to the ongoing development work of our partners.

Please help us support the families of Tamil Nadu today.

Group participants receiving relief packages. Image supplied by Integrated Development Trust, June 2020.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Assisi Aid Projects incurs administrative expenses for receiving and receipting donations for its international appeal. Final costs can only be estimated after the appeal has concluded. However, in previous emergency appeals, Assisi Aid Projects contained administrative costs to 8% of total funds expensed. A breakdown of these expenses will be published in the Annual Report available here: